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JKSSB Provisional Selection List for Junior Engineer (Mechanical) Posts Released

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JKSSB Provisional Selection List for Junior Engineer (Mechanical) Posts Released

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has taken a significant step in the recruitment process by announcing the Provisional Selection List for the posts of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) in the Public Works (R&B) Department under the UT Cadre. This development follows a comprehensive evaluation of candidates based on the written examination conducted on 01.10.2023.

Overview of the Recruitment

The recruitment drive, initiated by the Public Works (R&B) Department, referred 190 posts of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) to the JKSSB. These positions were advertised under Item No. 202, vide Notification No. 06 of 2022 dated 11.11.2022. The breakdown of posts across different categories within the UT Cadre is as follows:

- OM: 96
- SC: 16
- ST: 19
- OSC: 07
- ALC/IB: 07
- RBA: 19
- PSP: 08
- EWS: 18

Qualification Requirements

The essential qualification for selection against these posts is a 3-year diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a government-recognized institute or an Indian university degree in Mechanical Engineering or AMIE Section (A&B) India. Equivalent qualifications in aeronautical, automobile, or production engineering are also considered.

Selection Process

The JKSSB conducted a written examination on 01.10.2023, and the Result/Score-sheet was published on 12.10.2023. Subsequently, candidates falling within the consideration zone underwent Document Verification in Jammu and Srinagar from 17.10.2023 to 20.10.2023, followed by supplementary DV on 25.10.2023.

Provisional Selection List

A Selection Committee was constituted on 13.10.2023 to prepare the Provisional Selection List for the 190 posts of Junior Engineer (Mechanical). The committee meticulously scrutinized the applications, and the Provisional Selection List was approved in the 247th Board meeting after careful deliberations.

Important Notifications

- The Provisional Selection List is subject to the outcome of writ petition(s)/application(s) pending adjudication before any competent court of law.

- It is also subject to the outcome of any pending inquiry involving candidates listed in this Provisional List.

- This Provisional List is subject to change based on received objections and does not confer any right for final selection.

Action for Candidates

Candidates who are aggrieved with the Provisional List can submit their representations through email (jemechanical2023@gmail.com) within three (03) days from the date of this Notification. The email should include complete details such as Name, Address, Application Id, and an active Contact number.


The release of the Provisional Selection List marks a crucial phase in the recruitment process. As candidates await the final selection, they are encouraged to review the list and follow the outlined procedures for objections or representations.

Download the PDF for detailed information: [Provisional Selection List JE (Mechanical)]

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