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After facing flak from CUET UG 2023 candidates, NTA to release ‘final provisional’ answer key

After facing flak from CUET UG 2023 candidates, NTA to release ‘final provisional’ answer key

Several other CUET UG 2023 candidates have taken to Twitter to share the same complaint, but NTA has denied the allegations of 'giving wrong answers on purpose'.

The provisional answer key for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) UG 2023 was released on June 29. However, as candidates started going through the answer key, they spotted several errors.

“In the Hindi exam of June 6 (third shift), at least 16 answers were wrong, that too of the simple questions. For example, in question 20 on idioms has the wrong answer marked, whereas it is one of the simplest questions of the whole exam,” said Samrendra Kumar, who teaches Hindi at Delhi University’s Shyamlal College. Kumar’s son appeared for CUET UG 2023 (Hindi, English, History, Political Science, Physical Education and General Test).

“Even in the Political Science exam, the simplest questions — answers of which can be easily found on Google — have been marked incorrectly,” he added.

Kumar is not the only one who seems to have spotted these errors. Candidates are reporting that the major issue is in the Hindi answer key. Vikas Kumar, who appeared for Hindi, English, political Science and General Test, also claims that Hindi was the most problematic one. “I appeared for the Hindi exam on June 2 (first shift) and the answer key for that exam was full of errors. Either the NTA has released the answer key with technical glitches, or they just thought that it was a good way to generate some revenue for the Agency,” Vikas told indianexpress.

Samrendra, too, accused NTA of ‘looting parents and candidates’ through these answer keys. “Children don’t completely understand the monetary side of this. I have paid Rs 4400 for objections for my son. My son requested me to submit the objections because it is his future at stake and obviously I wouldn’t have thought to do otherwise anyhow. But middle class families cannot shell out so much money for things like these,” Samrendra said.

Several other CUET UG 2023 candidates have taken to Twitter to share the same complaint.

However, NTA has denied these accusations and said that the erroneous answer keys have been replaced with the corrected ones. “The Agency has already replaced answer keys for Business Studies, Accountancy and dome shifts of the Hindi exam. We had nearly 7.5 lakh answer keys, so considering the time constraint and the quantity, some errors can take place. But we made sure that those were corrected,” a senior NTA official told indianexpress.

Reacting to the ‘looting’ comment, the NTA explained that “usually candidates mail the NTA instead of submitting the objections online. We have considered those and replaced the right ones, so those candidates have not lost any money. We have also replied to those emails informing them about the revised answer keys,” the official added.

Vikas Kumar also later received a mail from NTA suggesting him to “email your challenges. New answer key will be sent you shortly. You need not pay for the challenges”.

NTA official also informed News Agency that the NTA will go through all the objections raised and release another set of finalised provisional answer keys. (Agencies)

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