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MPHS Saliskote, Kargil Remembered Shaheed Mutahhary and Celebrates It's Annual Day Function

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MPHS Saliskote, Kargil Remembered Shaheed Mutahhary and Celebrates It's  Annual Day Function

KARGIL,02 MAY 2023 :-

Mutahhary Public High School, Saliskote celebrated it's 30th Annual Day Cum Shaheed Mutahhary Day as a Teachers day on eve and loving memory of Ayatullah Shayeed Murtaza Mutahhary on Tuesday. 

This event was organised by Board of Management Mutahhary Public High School Saliskote Kargil.

Chairman & Chief Executive Councillor LAHDC-Kargil Shri Feroz Khan was the Chief Guest,While as Aga Syed Arman Councillor Saliskote-Faroona Constituency was the guest of honour on this grand occasion. 

Those dignitaries were present included CEO Kargil Mr Amin ,Dy.CEO Sankoo Mohd Hadi , Project Director KREDA Kacho Ahmad Khan , Asst. Secretary JKBOSE, Principal HSS Trespone, HS Saliskote in addition to the Students, the gathering comprising Parents,Guardians and large number of renowned personalities from all professions of life were present. 

The guests were recieved by Chairman MPHS Saliskote, Agha Syed Kazim Saberi and Guard of honour was presented by the NCC students contingent. 

The  programme started with the recitation of holy quran. 

At the outset, Chairman MPHS Saliskote welcomed the Chief Guest Hon’ble Feroz Ahmed Khan, CEC/Chairman, LAHDC, Kargil with traditional Khatak. those dignitaries present in the programme were also cordially welcomed with traditional Khataks.

President MPHS-Saliskote Haji Mohd Hussain Arzoo formally welcome all the esteemed Guests.

Different  cultural programmes,dramas and speeches were also presented by the students, Principal followed by the speech of hon'ble Chief guest.

While speaking on the occasion Chief guest congratulates Mutaharrian family for the academic excellence and achievements in different fields.

CEC/Kargil Shri Feroz Khan expressed his gratitude to the teaching staff in making MPHS Saliskote the pride of the region and grooming the future generations.

In the concluding session of the programme a prize distribution ceremony were also Conducted where the best student of the year Qalbi Hussain, Best House of the year Behesti house and outstanding Academic performance of Ex.teacher Syed Ali Shah has been felicitated. 

Later Chairman MPHS Saliskote Syed Kazim Musavi Saberi saheb presented vote of thanks speech on behalf of MPHS-Saliskote.

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