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MPHS Saliskote Hold Its First Parents Teacher Meeting

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MPHS Saliskote Hold Its First Parents Teacher Meeting


Mutahhary Public High School, Saliskote,Kargil on Friday was conducted it's first Parents Teachers Meeting of the academic session of 2022-23.

Among other's the meeting was attended by parents and guardians of the children's studying in the school. 

The main aim of this meetings was to discuss the progress of the children at school and about the measures and steps that needs to be taken to ensure that the children study at home and work harder and how can the parents help. 

Principal, MPHS Saliskote,Shri Mohd Abudojana addressed & briefed about the current academic session and important information regarding their wards.

During the Parents Teachers Meeting Many important and valuable suggestions were put forward by him to all the Parents and guardians with a motto to make every child of MPHS good and smart and a total quality person not only at academics but overall. 

While he mentioned about to make every child a Total Quality Person with good values and ethics.

He also addressed the parents/guardians of the Pre-primary section, for focussing on the importance of the play way method and also he talked about how adversely mobile phones & bad company affect today's generation and therefore he asked the parents of Senior Section, don't allow their wards to involve a lot into mobile phones, social media and bad friend circle and try to stay away from all these as much as possible.

Later on Parents met with the Teacher In-charges and Subject Teachers of their wards and suggested their views and gave their feedback.

The Staff also presented their valuable views in front of parents and suggested many advise for the betterment of students.

The overall PTM was very fruitful for the students, parents and All staff of MPHS Saliskote, Kargil.

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