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J&K BoPEE Inviting applicants for 10th Based Para-Medical Diploma (FMPHW/MMPHW) Courses 2023

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JKBoPEE Admission 2023: Apply Online for Para-Medical Diploma (FMPHW/MMPHW) Courses

J&K BOPEE Inviting of Online Application Forms for Admission to (10th based) Para-Medical Diploma (FMPHW/MMPHW) Courses – 2023 and Conduct of Common Entrance Test, if any, thereof.

Online Applications are invited from the Domiciles of the Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh, who are eligible and desirous to appear in the Common Entrance Test for admission to (10th Based) Para-Medical Diploma (FMPHW/MMPHW) Courses-2023.

The selection of the candidates to such courses shall be regulated by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations Act, 2002 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder; JK Reservation Act, 2004 as amended vide J&K Reorganization Act, 2019, S.O. 69 dated 28-02-2020,S.O. 127 dated 20-04-2020, S.O. 249 dated 23-07-2021, S.O. 277 dated 13-08-2021, and subject to further amendments, if any, by the Government of J&K from time to time and the guidelines/information as ontained in the Electronic Information Brochure-2023 which are available on the official website of the BOPEE www.jkbopee.gov.in.

Important Information
  • 1. Submission of online application forms: w.e.f. 06-05-2023.
  • 2. Last date for filling up of the online application forms: 26-05-2023.
  • 3. Fee Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) to be paid online through National Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking.
  • 4. e-information Brochure can be downloaded from BOPEE website viz: www.jkbopee.gov.in
  • 5. The syllabus for the examination/test is available in the e- information brochure.
  • 6. Date of Entrance Test: to be notified separately.
  • 7. The candidates, in their own interest, are advised to go through the e - Information Brochure before filling up of Online Application Form. The Board shall not be responsible for any act of omission or commission in filling up of the Online Application Form by the candidate. It is incumbent upon the candidates to go through the information contained in the e-Information Brochure and agree to the conditions contained therein. No candidate can claim any alteration in any of the conditions which have been incorporated in the e-Information Brochure and notified in advance.
  • 8. The candidates are further advised to remain in touch with the BOPEE website www.jkbopee.gov.in. The Board does not undertake any responsibility for any delay caused in publication of Notices/ Notifications in the Print Media (Newspapers) as delay, if any, in such publication(s) is not within the control of the Board, notwithstanding that the Board notifies the same on the official website(s) and sends for publication in the newspapers simultaneously on the date of issue of the said Notifications/Notices etc.
  • 9. The examination, if conducted by the Board, shall be on Offline mode.

Submission of Online Application Forms:

The interested candidates have to upload the following scanned Original / Self-Attested certificates in PDF format with size from 100-200 KB along with the
Application Form:-
  • (i) Domicile Certificate of UT of J&K/UT of Ladakh as the case may be (For Candidates of UT of Ladakh, ST Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of Ladakh shall be treated as Domicile Certificate),
  • (ii) Qualifying marks (10th Class) Certificate; (where result is declared)
  • (iii) Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation/ Secondary School Certificate issued by the Board; and
  • (iv) Reserved Category Certificate, if any,
  • (v) Any other documents, as required. However, it is for the information of all the concerned that afore-titled documents as required for submission of online application form shall be considered provisional and subject to change(s) vide any order as may be notified by the Competent Authority or Board.

  • 1. The candidates can change/ modify their Online Application Form at any time before it is finally “submitted” online. However, for any subsequent modifications, if required, the candidate(s) should approach the BOPEE office Srinagar/ Jammu personally. They are advised, in their own interest, not to share their ‘login’ details with any other person, lest he/she may get an opportunity to change important details in the Application Form. They can check the status of their Application Form on the official website(s) of the BOPEE. If any form is not confirmed for want of required information, the candidate concerned must report in the BOPEE office Srinagar or Jammu by or before 29th of May, 2023 or 3 days after the expiry of last date fixed by the Board, failing which his/her Application Form shall be rejected without any further notice.
  • 2. The candidates must, after filling up all the required entries, ensure that their online payment has been successfully made and all the requisite documents have been uploaded in specified format/size. Mere downloading of the Application Form does not mean that the candidate has submitted his/her Application Form successfully. Candidate should ensure that he/she keeps checking the status of his/her online application forms until it is scrutinized by the Board and approved/accepted.
  • 3. The candidates should enter valid E-mail address/Mobile No. on the application form, which shall be used by the Board in sending messages/mails to the candidates, whenever required. Further, he/she should ensure that Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) must be reflected against the fee paid Column mentioned in the Online Application Form after taking printout of it.

A. Para-Medical Diploma Courses: (FMPHW/ MMPHW)

A candidate must:
  • (i) be a domicile of UT of J&K/UT of Ladakh as the case may be (For Candidates belonging to UT of Ladakh, ST certificate issued by Competent authority of Ladakh shall be treated as Domicile certificate);
  • (ii) have passed 10th or equivalent examination from a recognized Board with Science & Math subjects;
  • (iii) have not crossed upper age of 35 years upto 31-12-2023.
  • (iv) be medically fit.

b. The candidates appearing/appeared in 10th Class Examination 2023 can also apply, provided such candidates have to qualify the 10th Class examination on or before the date of counseling as may be notified by the Board, otherwise their candidature shall be automatically cancelled.

Syllabus etc.:

The Syllabus, the Tentative Number of seats, Reservation Policy etc. for the examination is given in the e-Information Brochure.

Original Documents required to be submitted in the Institution at the time of Admission:-

a) Marks certificate of the qualifying examinations (10th Class marks certificate);

b) Date of birth (Matriculation / Secondary School Certificate) from a recognized Board;

c) Domicile Certificate for candidates belonging to UT of J&K and ST Certificate as a Domicile for candidates belonging to UT of Ladakh;

d) Category Certificate, if any;

e) Any other document as may be required by the Institution.

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