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SKUAST Kashmir Announces Admission Notification for UG and Masters Programs 2023-24

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SKUAST - Kashmir issues admission notification for Undergraduate & Masters Degree Programmes (Academic Session: 2023-24

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Kashmir Admission Brochure - 2023 for Undergraduate & Masters Degree Programmes (Academic Session 2023-24)


The candidates seeking admission to Master Degree Programmes, should have graduated/ obtained their Bachelor’s degree from the Institutions/Universities recognised by the ICAR/VCI/UGC and must possess Bachelor’s degree of 10+2+4 or above duration in the concerned/related field as per the discipline wise eligibility shown against each below with OGPA not less than 3.25 on 4.00 scale or 6.50
on 10.00 scale or 65% aggregate marks in annual traditional system.

Important Note for candidates seeking provisional selection/admission in
M.V.Sc Degree Programme

• The Candidates, who have acquired their Bachelor’s Degree from Institutions/Colleges/Universities
outside India, must have obtained compulsorily Registration from Veterinary Council of India (VCI)/ Registrar-cum-Secretary of UT of Jammu & Kashmir, Veterinary Registration Tribunal (Director Animal Husbandry Department, Jammu) on or after 31-10-2019 in terms of Office Memorandum No. K-12052-5(5251)/22019-LH dated: 29-4-2020 of Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India, New Delhi read with Government S.O. 236 dated: 23-07-2020 read with Government S.O. 403 dated: 24-11-2021 of Animal/ Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir.

• The Candidates who have acquired their Bachelor’s Degree from Colleges/Institutions/Universities
outside India and had obtained Registration from erstwhile J&K State Veterinary Council, must have
obtained Re-validation and/or Re-registration on or after 31-10-2019 from Veterinary Council of India
(VCI)/Registrar-cum-Secretary, Jammu & Kashmir Veterinary Registration Tribunal (Director Animal Husbandry Department Jammu) GoJK in terms of Office Memorandum No. K-12052-5(5251)/22019-LH dated: 29-4-2020 of Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India, New Delhi vide Government S.O. 236 dated: 23-07-2020 read with Government S.O. 403 dated: 24-11-2021 of Animal/Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir.

4. Minimum Residential Requirements
All Masters Degree programmes are of two (02) years duration, comprising 04 (Four) semesters. A candidate is required to complete requisite course work and thesis research work to earn the degree.

2. Eligibility Requirement
For all Master Degree Programmes, a candidate must possess Bachelors Degree of 10+2+4 duration or
above in the concerned/related field with OGPA of not less than 6.50 on 10.00 Scale or 65% aggregate
marks in annual traditional system or equivalent.

Note: Candidates appearing in the final examination and likely to be awarded Degree by or before the
date of Counselling can also apply provided they fulfil all other requirements of provisional admission.

3. Instructions/ Procedure For Filling Up Online Application Form

1. The candidates can down load the Information Brochure – 2023 and understand eligibility criteria
and other required information before submission of online Application Form.

2. Application Form will be accepted Online ONLY through University website www.skuastkashmir.ac.in from (10:00 AM) 18-03-2023 to 18-04-2023 (11:50 PM).

3. Before applying online, the candidate must ensure that he/she has scanned image of his/her
photograph, signature and thumb-impression in JPEG/JPG format and saved on the computer;
candidate should also have his/her payment mode details handy.

4. The sample of online Application Form is contained in the Information Brochure - 2023 for guidance.

5. Payment of Rs.1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred only) as application fee (Non- Refundable) is to be made through Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking etc.

6. While filling up the Application Form, the candidate shall prefer to write his/her own contact No(s), email/fb. Id for receiving Admit card/updates from time to time.

7. Candidates have to log on to www.skuastkashmir.ac.in to apply on line, and click the link University
Entrance Test-2023.

8. Open the first link, and fill in Part-I of the on-line Application Form (personal details. Note down the registration number for future reference. For subsequent logins, the candidate will be able to login directly with his/her respective system generated Application Number and chosen password.

9. After submission of personal details at Part-I, you will go to second link and fill-in the academic

10. After completing Part-II, programme will atomically take you to third link for uploading of Photograph, signature and thumb impression. Upload images of photograph, signature, thumb impression (left for male and right for female candidates)in JPEG/JPG format.

11. Once successfully done, the candidate will be shown his/her complete details as recorded at part-
IV of the Form. Candidate is required to thoroughly check all the details and make corrections (if any) by pressing the MODIFY button.

12. The candidates can change/ modify their online Application Form at any time before submission. It is in the interest of the candidate to make double checks before submitting the online Application Form. They are advised, in their own interest, not to share their login details with anybody.

13. Once the details are confirmed, the candidate will be directed to opt for the mode of payment. Candidate can make online payment through any Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking.

14. Once the payment is successful, the Application Form will be generated for submission and Print-out. SUBMIT button will need to be clicked by the candidate. Candidate will need to Click the LOG OUT button to ensure completion of the Online Application process.

15. Take print out of confirmation page(s) of online Application Format and preserve it for future

16. The candidate can correct his/ her particulars, if wrongly entered earlier, upto the successful submission of on-line Application Form. Beyond this, the candidate desirous to make any change
in the application form shall be given chance to do so on first 03 days immediately after closure of
submission of online Application Forms.

17. Only one Application Form is required to be filled Online for appearing UET-2023. In no case Off-line Application Form shall be entertained.

18. Photo-shot of the online Application Form is available as a sample for guidance.

5. Syllabus

5.1. Undergraduate Degree Programme

The question papers will be based on the latest syllabus adopted by J&K Board of School
Education (JKBOSE) for 11th& 12th classes.


Syllabus in respect of various disciplines/Streams, as the case may be, of Masters degree
Programmes courses will be based on ICAR/VCI syllabus. The syllabus will be separately and
subsequently made available by Controller of Examination, SKUAST-K on the University web-
site: www.skuastkashmir.ac.in.


1. Entry in the Test Centre/venue shall be subject to production of valid Admit Card only.

2. The Admit Cards will be available online. The candidates are advised to download their
auto generated Admit Cards from the University website: www.skuastkashmir.ac.in about
a weeks’ time before the date of UET-2023.

3. Candidate shall have to preserve the Admit Card in their own interest till the completion of
admission process by the University.

4. If a candidate is not in a position to download the Admit Card for any reason, he/she may
contact the Controller of Examinations at least one day before the date of UET-2023.

5. No admit card will be issued on the day of entrance test.


7.1 For Undergraduate Degree Programme

1. The Entrance Test shall be held at the centers as may be notified by the University in the cities of Srinagar/Jammu only in due course of time.

2. The centers shall be allotted by the University and the information regarding this shall be provided to the candidates on the Auto generated Admit Cards.

3. The Test Centre once allotted shall not be changed under any circumstances.

7.2 For Masters Degree Programme

The Entrance Test shall be held at main Campus Shalimar, Srinagar

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