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GPF sanctions of many employees of School Edu Deptt ‘mismatching’ with district fund offices

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GPF sanctions of many employees of School Edu Deptt ‘mismatching’ with district fund offices

Srinagar, Mar 04: School Education Department has said that the General Provident Fund (GPF) sanctions of many of its employees were not matching those ones that were issued from District Fund Offices.

According to the news agency—Chief Accounts Officer at Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) said, “A substantial number of officials working in this department are approaching DSEK for correction of name and other particulars in the General Provident Fund Sanctions issued in their favour.”

“This is occurring due to the fact that the particulars of the employees in JKPAYSYS and Annual Statements issued by District Fund Offices are not matching and the concerned CEOs and DDOs are simply forwarding them to this Directorate without taking any corrective measures in this regard,” the officer said.

In a circular issued by the officer, it enjoined upon all the Chief Education Offers and Drawing and Disbursing Officers of Kashmir Division to ensure that the cases projected for advances and withdrawals from the General Provident Fund are in total conformity with the particulars recorded in the JKPAYSYS and Annual Account Statements issued by the concerned District Fund Offices.

“In case of any discrepancy, before projecting the GPF Sanction cases to this Directorate, the matter should be taken up with concerned authorities for correction of particulars so as to arrive at the correct particulars of an official in relation with the service records and other relevant documents,” it reads.

The official also said that in case of any deviation in this regard shall be the personal responsibility of the concerned CEO and DDO. “No request for correction in GPF Sanctions shall be entertained henceforth.”CNI

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