Examination Notification issued by Principal DIET Srinagar
It is notified for the information of all schools( Govt and Pvt) of District Srinagar to conduct the Term End Assessment (T2) for Classes Ist to 7th and 9th from 2nd Week of March-2023.
The Examination shall be conducted at school level as per past practice. It is impressed upon on all the schools to issue date sheet at school level with proper dissemination.
The District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) in Srinagar has recently issued a notification regarding the upcoming Term End Assessment (T2) for classes 1st to 7th and 9th. All government and private schools in the district have been notified to conduct these examinations from the 2nd week of March-2023.
As per the past practice, the examinations will be conducted at the school level. It is the responsibility of each school to issue a date sheet for the examination and to ensure that it is properly disseminated to all students and parents..
This Term End Assessment (T2) is an important step in the academic calendar and will provide an opportunity for students to assess their understanding of the material covered so far. It will also allow teachers and school administrators to identify areas where students may need additional support or resources.
It is essential that all schools comply with the guidelines and instructions issued by the DIET in order to ensure a fair and smooth conduct of the examinations. Students, parents, and teachers are encouraged to work together to ensure that students are well-prepared for the Term End Assessment (T2) and that they perform to the best of their abilities.
We wish all students the best of luck for their upcoming examinations and hope that they will continue to strive for academic excellence. JKSA