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Groom wins hearts, returns Rs 11L dowry

Groom wins hearts, returns Rs 11L dowry

A groom won hearts after he refused Rs 11 lakh dowry and accepted Rs 1 as a `shagun’ from the bride’s family.

Saurabh Chauhan of Muzaffarnagar returned Rs 11 lakh rupees and jewelry received in dowry from his in-laws in his marriage. He accepted only one rupee as a ‘shagun’ and married his bride. The incident took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar.

According to media reports, the groom Saurabh Chauhan is a Revenue officer (Lekhpal) while the bride (daughter of a retired soldier) is a resident of Princi Lakhan village.

Reportedly, Saurabh with his marriage procession reached Lakhan village. However, before the wedding when the girl’s family gave the dowry from their side, he refused to set an example.

He said, “The extravagance that takes place in the marriage ceremony should be banned.”

People are praising Saurabh for his decision and hope that every groom and his family should learn from Saurabh that no bride is a commodity that they think they are buying.

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