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NHM, J&K released arrears to the tune of Rs. 31. 24 Crore in favour of AYUSH Doctors at par with MBBS Doctors

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NHM, J&K released arrears to the tune of Rs. 31. 24 Crore in favour of AYUSH Doctors at par with MBBS Doctor

NHM, J&K released arrears to the tune of Rs. 31. 24 Crore in favour of AYUSH Doctors at par with MBBS Doctors

Jammu, Aug 20 : National Health Mission, J&K today released Rs. 31.24 Crore funds to all the districts of the Union Territory of J&K on account of the arrears of salary w.e.f: 1st April 2012 upto 31st March 2021 in favour of AYUSH doctors to the extent it has been allowed in case of allopathic doctors in terms of the judgment of High Court of J&K, whereby the High Court had directed that the monthly remuneration of the contractual AYUSH medical officers working under the Centrally Sponsored Health Scheme, National Health Mission be enhanced and brought at par with the MBBS Medical Officers working under the NHM.

Pertinently, in compliance to the High Court judgment, Health & Medical Education Department had already issued an order vide No. 337-HME of 2018 Dated : 31-05-2018 authorizing Mission Director NHM, J&K to carry out the enhancement of monthly remuneration of AYUSH doctors to the extent it has been allowed in case of allopathic doctors along with payment of arrears subject to availability of funds and adherence to codal formalities. 

After years of mobilization, Mission Director NHM, J&K, Yasin M. Choudhary issued the order thereby bringing the monthly remuneration of AYUSH doctors at par with MBBS Medical Officers.

However, the arrears thereof could not be released as the matter involved huge financial implications and the National Health Mission, J&K is not a revenue generating agency in itself, rather this Scheme in the UT of J&K is funded through grant in aid by the Govt. of India to the extent of 90%.

After rigorous efforts by the office of Mission Director NHM, J&K, finally UT finance department approved funds to the tune of Rs. 32.24 crore in favour of Health and Medical Education Department, J&K for clearing the liability of arrears on account of above judgment, thereby redressing a long pending demand of the AYUSH medical officers working under NHM, J&K.(GNS)

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