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Kashmir University Asks Covid Infected Employees To Work From Home

Kashmir University Asks Covid Infected Employees To Work From Home

Kashmir University Asks Covid Infected Employees To Work From Home

Srinagar, Jan 19 : After a surge in Covid-19 cases, Kashmir University has asked its ‘infected’ employees to work from home but be accessible through cell phones and e-mails.
Sources told news agency, KNT that over 50 teaching, non-teaching and Research Scholars have been tested positive for Covid-19 from the last 4 days.
Joint Registrar Kashmir University today issued an order stating that in view of the recent surge in the Covid-19 positive cases in the University, it is notified for the information of all concerned that all such employees who have either tested positive for Covid-19 or are symptomatic that they shall work from home and shall remain accessible through mobile phones, emails, etc. 
“ The respective Controlling Officers/Unit Heads shall accordingly take a call on in-person attendance of staff in their respective administrative units as per the feasibility and requirement. (KNT)

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