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Teacher raises funds to feed her 22 hungry kindergartners

Teacher raises funds to feed her 22 hungry kindergartners

Teacher raises funds to feed her 22 hungry kindergartners

Teachers hold the key to the future of the world and some of them have come to the fore during the pandemic, helping students as much as they can. 

Kindergarten teacher Laurie Gurdal has been helping feed 22 children from her class due to the financial crisis that has gripped families. 

Laurie Gurdal knew the pandemic-induced financial crisis was severely affecting her students' families but if there was one moment that really hit home, it was when she asked students to write down their dreams. 

It was a yearly ritual for Laurie Gurdal, and some of the answers were the usual ones. 

Some wanted to be superheroes, some wanted to be doctors, some princesses but one child said they dreamed of having a refrigerator full of food. 

" That broke my heart," said Gurdal, reported People. "He didn't have any food to go home to." 

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