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CBSE asks Regional Officers to Conduct Surprise Visits on Schools Preparing Results

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CBSE asks Regional Officers to Conduct Surprise Visits on Schools Preparing Results

CBSE asks Regional Officers to Conduct Surprise Visits on Schools Preparing Results

CBSE has asked regional officers to conduct inspection at the schools preparing results to verify the work done by them.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct surprise visits at its affiliated schools who are preparing the board results for class 12 students. 

In a letter, the board wrote that officials of regional offices will be conducting the inspections to “ verify the work done by the schools under their jurisdiction ". This should be done without giving any prior notice to the schools about the visit.

Besides, the inspection should be done in such a manner that private schools and government schools including KVS and NVS are covered.

A point-wise report needs to be prepared by the officials for each school as well as sign documents inspected rationale documents. 

A complete report duly signed by the officials along with the soft copy of the report prepared by the officials needs to be sent to the board by July 12, the circular read.

It also asked the officials to accustom themselves to the tabulation policy created by the board for preparing the results. “For completing this responsibility, it is necessary that all the officials involved in this get fully accustomed to the tabulation policy of the board," CBSE said in the circular.

For calculating the class 12 board result, the CBSE’s will taking into account the class 10 and 11 final marks as well class 12 pre-board, internal assessment, practical and project work that were conducted throughout the year by each school. While class 10 and 11 final marks will bear 30 per cent weightage each, class 12 will have 40 per cent weightage.

Each school has been asked to create a committee headed by the principal to prepare the results, which then needs to upload on the link given by the board to the schools. 

This should be done with the help of the IT team. The schools have been asked to submit the marks by July 15 and the results are likely to be announced by July 31.

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