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Over 3000 positions of lecturers vacant as school education department delays DPC meeting Check Details Here

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Over 3000 positions of lecturers vacant as school education department delays DPC meeting 

Over 3000 positions of lecturers vacant as school education department delays DPC meeting

Syed Rizwan Geelani

Srinagar, May 10, 2021,

As many as 3000 posts of lecturers in different subjects are lying vacant in the higher secondary schools across J&K as the authorities at the helm of affairs have delayed holding meetings of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC).

The delay in holding DPC meetings has created impediments for placement of eligible people in the department on lecturer posts and overcome the shortage of the teaching staff in the higher secondary schools.

If the department will hold a DPC meeting, the eligible master grade people in the department will be promoted to the post of lecturer which will overcome the dearth of teaching staff in higher secondary schools,” an official said.

Notably, the former Governor of erstwhile J&K state had given directions that vacancies of lecturer posts in the school education department will not be referred to J&K Public Service Commission (PSC) but the positions will be filled by holding DPC for promotion of the eligible master grade people.

Ironically, the department did not conduct any DPC to promote the masters and their placement as lecturers in the higher secondary schools,” a master grade teacher said.

As per the official figures, the department has 321 positions of lecturers vacant in the department, Mathematics-268, English-243, Urdu-239, Physics-191, Political Science-188, Economics-166, Botany-162, Environmental Science-161, History-140, Chemistry-136, and Zoology-157 besides vacancies of other subjects as well.

An official said the clerical staff in the HRM section of the school education department were delaying the holding of DPC for placement of lecturers on the vacant positions.

“The department had planned to hold DPC in December last year but the initiative was sabotaged by some vested interests due to which the posts continue to remain vacant and students are facing dearth of teaching staff,” the official said.

The administrative secretary School Education Department Bishwajit Kumar Singh when contacted acknowledged that around 3500 positions were vacant.

“We had planned to hold DPC for placement of masters as lecturers in the past but the matter landed in the judiciary because of some issues which delayed the whole process,” he said.

He said the department is following the case and DPC will be held soon to fill around 1800 vacant positions. “We are at it,” he said.

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