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Education Deptt to introduce LMS to monitor teacher, student attendance during online classes

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Education Deptt to introduce LMS to monitor teacher, student attendance during online classes

Education Deptt to introduce LMS to monitor teacher, student attendance during online classes

Srinagar, May 11, 2021 :

The School Education department has decided to introduce the Learning Management System (LMS) to monitor the attendance of the teachers as well as the students during online classes.

The move comes amid the closure of all the schools up to class 12th for offline academic activities.

An order issued by the Director School Education Kashmir, TasaduqHussain Mir said that the department was reaching out to the students during lockdown for continuing their education by all means of blended learning through online education on different digital platforms.

“ Besides using other digital platforms, video lectures, PowerPoint presentation s and tutorials are also available on SCERT website,” the order reads.

Notably, the directorate has kept available digital educational resources as per curriculum and topics under the initiative of AawoPadein on the official website of the directorate.

Meanwhile, in order to streamline the online mode of education, the director has ordered introducing LMS in addition to routine online mode of education to monitor the online classes besides keeping track of the attendance of the teachers and the students.

“ The department should be able to monitor the extent of daily learning through online classes,” the order reads.

The LMS as per the order will help to keep the students linked with their teachers during the lockdown period.

“ There should be a facility of registration of schools on the system and all teachers can be added to registered schools with the specific objective that the teacher is teaching his or her subject,” the order reads.

To make the LMS functional, the department has decided to have online classes through assignments, PowerPoint presentations, chats, texts and videos.

“ There should be content uploading and sharing by the teachers with the students of their school. The system should be accessed by a controlled mechanism,” the order reads.

Under the LMS, the student would be able to access the study material online and watch the video lectures on the portal after logging in to the system.

The new system of LMS would also have a provision of study material to be provided to the students and the use of the study material by the students would be tracked as well.

The new system of LMS would enable the department to have a multi-tier monitoring of online teaching-learning processes at the level of DSEK, SCERT, DIETs, CEO, ZEOs, DRGs, ZRGs and heads of the schools.

“ This way the activity of all the schools and teachers should be directly monitored by all these institutes. The statistics of all the different types of contents uploaded by any teacher or school should be directly visible on the dashboard at all the monitoring levels,” the order reads.

Under the LMS, the department is also mulling to have an online assessment system of the students wherein the teachers would have periodical assessment of the child.

“ The process can be executed through LMS for tracking child performance during online classes amid the closure of schools,” the order reads.

The Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) has also ordered that all the schools should start the registration of teachers and students on LMS from May 10.

“ The registration should be done on a war-footing basis and all the resources available at district and zonal level should be mobilised for this task,” the order reads.

The order states that the zonal-level teams would facilitate the registration of all the teachers and students on the LMS and later all the teachers would engage students on this digital platform to continue their teaching through online mode of education.

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