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Education shifts back to E - mode as schools closed

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Education shifts back to E - mode as schools closed

Education shifts back to E - mode as schools closed

Srinagar, April 6, 2021 :  

The school education department is again shifting back to online mode as the government ordered temporary closure of educational institutions across J&K. Chief Education Officers have issued instructions to the school heads to facilitate students with online classes. All the government and private schools up to class 9th have been closed till April 18 while the classes from 10th to 12th will remain closed up to April 11.

The Chief Education Officer (CEO) Srinagar issued a circular to the school heads to start online classes for students from class 1st primary to class 12th.

“ Consequent upon the temporary closure of schools and to safeguard the academic career of the students, it is impressed upon all the heads of institutions to start online classes for classes 1-12 from April 5,” the order reads.

“ All the teachers, masters and lecturers are required to submit the attendance of their respective online classes through CEO Srinagar App on daily basis,” it reads.

The CEO Baramulla also issued an order for the teaching staff of schools to hold online classes for students of all classes.

“ It will foster student community and uphold continuity in the state of academics during the period in question,” the order reads.

The CEO Baramulla also issued instructions for teachers that virtual timetable be framed as per the convenience of the students.

“ All the Principals, Zonal Education Officers and headmasters are put under instructions to ensure the online classes taken by teachers are recorded on the CEO Baramulla Google doc link on a day to day basis,” the order reads.

The order further reads that the online platform was the only medium at this point of time to cater to the educational needs of the students.

The District Resource Group (DRG/ZRP/CRPs) have been also instructed to facilitate the smooth online classes and provide feedback to the concerned HOIs and the deputy CEO who will monitor the exercise at district level.

Meanwhile the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) has also issued instructions to the teaching staff of schools in Srinagar district to frame virtual timetable as per the convenience of the students.

“ The Principals, Zonal Education Officers, Head Masters and Zonal Coordinators of DIET Srinagar will ensure that online classes are taken by teachers and recorded on the Google doc link and Zoom on day to day basis,” the DIET circular reads.

While the department has shifted to online mode of education, the teachers are in a dilemma over their attendance in schools.

The government order has no mention about the attendance of teachers in schools while holding online classes.

Secretary School Education Department (SED), B K Singh when contacted said he was not competent to comment about the issue.

“ The government has to decide about the attendance of teachers in schools. I have taken up the matter with State Disaster Management Authorities,” he said.

He however said the teachers cannot be granted holiday for the closure period as all of them are employees of the government.

“ They should come to their respective schools to take online classes,” he said.

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