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Cluster University Srinagar orders 50% attendance of staff on rotational basis

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Cluster University Srinagar orders 50% attendance of staff on rotational basis

Cluster University Srinagar orders 50% attendance of staff on rotational basis

Srinagar , 

While the government had excluded from the order the courses requiring practical work, Registrar CUS, Mir Khurshid Ahmad told Greater Kashmir that class work for both theory and practical demonstration will continue through online mode as per the time table.

The authorities at the Cluster University Srinagar (CUS) have decided to have a 50 percent attendance of the teaching staff at its constituent colleges on a rotation basis in view of t4hej prevailing surge in COVID-19 cases.

The decision comes on the heels of the government decision to close the institutions for physical classes till May 15.

While the government had excluded from the order the courses requiring practical work, Registrar CUS, Mir Khurshid Ahmad told Greater Kashmir that class work for both theory and practical demonstration will continue through online mode as per the time table.

He further informed that there will be 50 percent attendance of staff on rotation basis at the colleges.

The registrar further said the teaching faculty has been asked to transact the academic activities through online mode by using different digital platforms including Zoom App, Google Classroom, Skype, Slack, Microsoft teams, Blue Jeans, Big Blue Button, Webex and Telegram to prevent any academic loss.

“ Concerned heads of the departments shall ensure the attendance of students,” a university notice reads.

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