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Commerce and Arts Students Aghast over the New Syllabus for Finance Accounts Assistant by JKSSB Protest from various places

Commerce and Arts Students Aghast over the New Syllabus for Finance Accounts Assistant by JKSSB Protest from various places

Commerce students aghast over the eligibility criteria for Panchayat Account Assistant posts W e, the commerce students, would like to bring into the notice of higher authorities our plight. Recently the JKSSB had advertised panchayat account assistant posts which were meant for commerce background students, but science students manipulated and made JKSSB change the eligibility criteria in their favour. Now another post, i. e. finance account assistant is out and again science stream students are made eligible and adding to our misery they changed the syllabus in favour of science and mathematics students. This discrimination against arts and commerce students. Commerce students are not even eligible for posts like beehive keeping; they have set the eligibility 10+ 2 with science. We request the concerned authorities to look into the matter at the earliest.

Commerce students community



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