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More areas declared Red Zones in Kupwara

More areas declared Red Zones in Kupwara

Srinagar, Apr 9: Authorities on Thursday declared more areas as Red Zones in Kupwara and started door to door contact tracing in these areas.
A medical team was also sent to Tangdhar for collection of samples.

In the district, officials said, six persons with travel history to Nizam- u- Din, Delhi, had so far tested positive for coronavirus and search to locate their contacts was on.
Bagbehla in Tangdhar, Manigah Hayehama and Anderhama Drugmullah in the district have been declared Red Zones.

In Manigah, officials said, a team of doctors and technicians on Thursday morning visited the village for contact tracing. “ The people are cooperating,” officials said adding that samples of around one dozen people have so far been collected from the area. They said the vehicle in which positive person had traveled had also been located.

Officials said a team of doctors and paramedics had also been sent to Tangdhar town for contact tracing. “ We have started sample collection in SDH Kupwara. Besides, Tangdhar being far off, a team has been sent there,” officials said, adding that as many as 422 persons had been enlisted for observation in the entire district.

Among them, officials said, 55 are under home quarantine and 59 under administrative quarantine. “ So far 102 samples have been collected for testing by different medical teams.” Officials said that areas around the red zones had been declared as buffer zones. “ The inhabitants in these areas shall restrict their movement and shall not allow relatives/ visitors to visit them without written permission from administrator concerned,” officials said.

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