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Northern Railway Jobs Recruitment 2019

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Northern Railway Jobs Recruitment 2019

Re-engagement of retired Ministerial/Clerical and Inspectorate Staff in exigency of service in Claims Branch, Headquarter Office, Northern Railway, NDCR Building, State Entry Road, New Delhi.

Application in the prescribed proforma only with requisite enclosures are invited from retired ministerial and Inspectorate staff of Northern Railway to work in Claims Branch Headquarter Office, Northern Railway, NDCR Building, New Delhi on re-engagement basis for filling up the vacancies as detailed below

Total No of Posts=07

Last Date=23.08.2019

Posts Detail Below:

Department: (Commercial/Claims Branch)


Ministerial=05 Posts

CL/CCL/Claims=02 Posts

The prescribed proforma can be. had from/and should be submitted duly filed in with requisite enclosures at:

Claims Branch, Headquarter Office, Northern Railway, NDCR Building, State Entry Road, New Delhi or Railway Website at: www.nr.gov.in.

The last date for obtaining /submitting the applications is 23.08.2019.

Only Retired Railway Employees of Northern Railway are eligible to apply.

Preference will be given to the employee who retired from Claims Branch Headquarter Office, Northern Railway

Such Retired employees i.e. applicant should not have undergone any major penalty punishment (as per SF-5) in last five years

Should not have retired under LARSGESS/ Voluntarily

Should not have been compulsorily retired or removed/ terminated etc

Essential eligibility criteria, for submitting an application are as under:-

General criteria is maximum age 64 years 6 months as on closing date of receiving the application i.e. 23.08.2019.

Candidate should be willing to work in overall jurisdiction of CCO, Northern Railway.

Candidate should be medically fit for the category for which he has applied.

Monthly remuneration of re-engaged retired employee will be equal to his last pay drawn reducing pension from his/her last pay drawn

There-engagement of Retired Railway Employees still be purely on temporary arrangements and can be terminated as and when regular employees are available

The re-engagement can be terminated on other grounds also by giving 15 days notice without any explanation

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