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J&K High Court interview/ Viva-voce Notification

J&K High Court interview/ Viva-voce Notification 

J&K High Court interview/ Viva-voce Notification

Post Name : Drivers

Districts cadre:  Srinagar, Baramulla and Doda

Date :  07 August 2019 (Wednesday) from  10:00 AM

The interview/Viva-voce of the eligible candidates, who have applied for the District Cadre  posts of Drivers in Districts of Srinagar, Baramulla and Doda, Advertised vide Notification No.  01. of 2019 dated 10.01.2019, shall be conducted on 7 August 2019 (Wednesday) from  10:00 a.m. at the following venues

For candidates of district Srinagar: Office of Special Mobile Magistrate (Traffic) in the District Court Complex, Momin Abad, Srinagar

For candidates of district Baramulla:  Conference Hall in Pr. District & Sessions Court, Baramulla

For candidates of district Doda Office of the District Mobile Magistrate (Traffic), in the Court Complex at Doda

2) The District wise lists of the Candidates called for the interview/viva-voce are uploaded on the official website of the High Court. The candidates can visit to the High Court Website  http//jkhighcourt.nic.in.

3) No individual interview call letter shall be issued to any candidate whose name figures in the  uploaded list of the concerned district. Failure of a candidate to appear for the interview on  the given date and time shall forfeit his right of appearance for his interview for the said post.

4) Mere mention of the name of a Candidate in any uploaded list of the candidates for a  particular District shall not entitle him to appear in the interview which shall be subject to the  scrutiny of all testimonials particularly the State Subject certificate of the Candidate justifying  his residence in the district in which he has applied for the post.

5) In case any deficiency with reference to eligibility etc. is found at the time of interview, the  candidate concerned shall not be allowed to appear in the interview, and if any deficiency is  found subsequently, the candidate concerned shall not be considered for selection and he  shall be treated as disqualified.

6) The candidates shall have to produce all original certificates/testimonials including driving  licence before the lnterviei Committee at the time of interview. Candidate who fails to  produce such certificates/testimonials including driving licence may forfeit his candidature.

7) Any candidate found guilty of impersonation or submits fabricated/tampered documents/  testimonials or makes false/incorrect statement or suppresses material information shall  render himself liable for criminal prosecution under law apart from forfeiture of his  candidature.

8) The lists of the Candidates called for the interview/viva-voce are also available in the offices of  the concerned Principal District & Sessions Judges.

9) No TA/DA shall be paid for participation in the interview.

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