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J&K Finance Department | Issuance of Executive Order for filling up of the 2000 Posts of PANCHAYAT ACCOUNTS ASSISTANTS 

Issuance of Executive order for filling up of the posts of Panchayat Accounts Assistants

Posts of Panchayat, 2000 Fresh J&K Govt Posts, Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Jobs 2019, State Administrative Council, Accounts Assistant Jobs 2019, J&K Jobs 2019, Rural Deptt Jobs, Account Asst Jobs 2019
Whereas, 2000 posts of Panchayat Accounts Assistant were created for the Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj in pursuance of State Administrative Council Decision No. 51/7/2019 dated 28.02.2019 read with Government Order No. 373-F of 2019 dated 27.06.2019.

Whereas the Panchayat Accounts Assistant shall be a Separate Cadre for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj with one Panchayat Accounts Assistant catering to 2 to 3 Panchayats, each depending upon the population, geographical distances etc.

Whereas, the recruitment of the Panchayat Accounts Assistants shall be carried out under SRO 202 dated 30.06.2015.
Whereas, these posts shall be District Cadre posts, with the District wise break-up/ Division of posts enclosed as Annexure-A to this Government Order.

Whereas, the provision of reservation, as applicable, shall apply for appointment to the post of Panchayat Accounts Assistants.

Whereas, the recruitment' of the Panchayat Accoutits Assistants has to be done on fast track, interview within the recruitment process shall be dispensed with and selection made by Service Selection Board within 45 days based on merit determined through written test.

Whereas, the Recruitment rules for selection of Panchayat Accounts Assistants are under process of finalisation.

Now, therefore, it is ordered that pending finalisation of recruitment rules for selection of Panchayat Accounts Assistants, the method of...

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