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Kashmir University | Notification for all the B.Ed Students

Notification for all the B.Ed Students (1st & 2nd Semester) of Private B.Ed Colleges/Directorate of Distance Education; Dated: 24-6-2019

Attention all the B.Ed Students (1st & 2nd Semester) of Private B.Ed Colleges/Directorate of Distance Education

In partial modification to notification No:- F(B.Ed-1st &2nd) KU/19 dated 08/06/2019, this is for the information of all the students of 1st & 2nd Semester of Private B.Ed colleges/Directorate of Distance Education that their Internship Viva-Voice will be held on 30th of June, 1st & 2nd July 2019 as per the schedule to be notified and uploaded on the official websites  of University of Kashmir (http://uok.edu.in, http://www.kashmiruniversity.net) on 28th of June 2019. The students are directed to check the schedule and proceed accordingly.

Controller of Examinations

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